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Seoul, The Day After |
At 11:05 New York time on the morning of Monday, July 7, 2014, the Liberian-flagged freighter Alimar and its mostly Bosnian 14-man crew steamed steadily northward in choppy seas forty miles off the coast of New York. Three hundred miles above the stratosphere, the Kwangmyongsong 3 satellite approached what would be its final destination over Indianapolis. It tumbled in a sun-synchronis polar orbit as it had since its launch eighteen months earlier. At the same time, in a sweltering shack seven thousand miles away, North Korean Senior Colonel Dae-Ho Yun chain smoked and paced nervously. His attention was divided between the wall clock's minute hand and the field phone atop his Artillery Corps command headquarters desk.
The Kwangmyongsong 3 weighed nearly 200 pounds and was roughly the size of an apartment-sized washing machine. When its fission payload detonated at 10:11 a.m. local time in broad daylight more than 300 miles above Indianapolis the flash that accompanied the resulting explosion was barely noticeable from the ground. The event certainly did not escape the attention of Captain Kevin Reynolds, Duty Officer for the North American Aerospace Defense Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. He reached quickly for the red telephone--but it was already much too late.
Although U.S. Defense Department Officials claimed that the low yield of Pyongyang's nuclear weapons' tests was evidence of failure, they were either spectacularly wrong or deliberately deceptive. North Korea was intent on developing a Hegemon-killing "Super EMP" weapon, not a mere atomic bomb. Instead of wasting the weapon's power in the generation of explosive blast, heat, and light, energy was diverted to produce a gamma ray pulse more powerful than would have been produced by a much larger thermonuclear fusion device in the multi-megaton range. Upon detonation, every electronic device between the Front Range of the Rockies and the Atlantic not shielded by a Faraday Cage was rendered instantly and permanently inoperable.
At eleven minutes after midnight local time, forty miles north of Seoul, a grim-faced Senior Colonel Dae-Ho Yun strode to his desk, extracted a silenced Makarov pistol from the center drawer, and efficiently shot dead the two non-commissioned headquarters clerks working at their desks. He picked up the field phone, barked out a terse two-word command, and then sprinted from the headquarters building toward shelter. Two minutes later, hundreds of NKPA M-1978 KOKSAN 170 millimeter self-propelled guns and MRL240 M-1985 rocket launchers launched a fire storm of high explosive death at the rate of 350 shells per minute on the 24 million unfortunate people of Seoul and the more than 5,000 American 2nd Infantry Division troops garrisoned just south of the DMZ at Camp Casey. Most of the Americans were sound asleep when they died.
At 11:11 a.m. New York Time an Iskander missile was launched from the highly modified deck of the Alimar. Fifteen seconds later the Alimar and her unsuspecting crew ceased to exist, vaporized in a blinding flash so powerful that it registered briefly on NORAD satellite instruments. It took slightly less than thirty-one seconds for the Iskander to reach Manhattan at Mach 7. The 50-kiloton warhead detonated in the middle of the trading day at an altitude of 300 feet and killed every living person within one mile in all directions. Virtually all structures within a circle two and one-half miles wide were destroyed. Everyone within two miles of ground zero who survived the air blast suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
Much of the financial, communications, employment, manufacturing and agricultural capacity of the United States was completely destroyed and it effectively ceased to exist as a functioning nation-state--all in the span of less than two minutes.The oligarchs who run the world are frightened. People are awakening, the world's economies are crumbling, and the old lies don't seem to be working any more. As anyone who's hunted big game or spent much time in the woods will tell you, a wounded predator is a dangerous predator. Whether it is the scenario described above or an alternate to played out in the Ukraine or the Middle East, the accelerated flow of events and the increasingly desperate tone of establishment figure heads combine to suggest that a significant trigger is about to be tripped. The oligarchs need to divert public anger.
Buckle up.
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